Widely used in video, notebook computer (series of computers), digital TV, digital camera, DVD and other special electrical equipment
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Quickly distinguish connectors, connectors, terminals, starting with these three methods:First, distinguish the difference between "connector", "connector" and "terminal" from the concept1. Connector is a large category, the domestic called connectors, plugs and sockets, is an electronic engineering and technical personnel often contact a part, most refers to electrical connectors, both connected to two electronic products with components, used to transmit current or signals.2. The connector is a positioning connector connecting the electronic circuit, which is composed of two parts, both the plug-in and the connector, the general state can be completely separated, so the connector can also be called the connector.3. Terminal is used to achieve electrical connection of an accessory product, is to facilitate the connection of the wire and the application, he is actually in a piece of metal sealed in the insulating plastic inside, both ends have holes, can be inserted into the wire, terminal terminals can be divided into plug and dial terminal terminals, European terminal terminals.Second, distinguish the difference between "connector", "connector" and "terminal" from the owning range1. Connector = Connector is the first category, and wiring terminals are only one type of product in the Connector category. Connectors are connections between wires; A connector is a connection between a wire and a board.2. In the electrician or electrical field: connectors and connectors are the same type of products. It is commonly understood as the kind of electronic components that do not need to use tools, connect the end of the male head and the end of the female head, and can be quickly connected with a plug or a twist. Terminals, commonly understood as the need to use a tool, such as a screwdriver, cold press pliers to connect the two connection points together electronic products, are generally used for power input, output and so on.3. The terminal is a part of the connector, the connector is a general term, in fact, generally we commonly see the connector, usually includes the rubber shell and the terminal two parts. The rubber shell is generally plastic, which plays a protective role; Terminals are generally metal and play a conductive role at both ends of the product.Third, distinguish the difference between "connector", "connector" and "terminal" from the practical application1. Electrical connectors referred to as connectors, also known as connectors, is a subdivision of electronic components, mainly used in the connection between circuits and circuits. In the current electronic industry production, the line connection of the connector can be said to be ubiquitous, so the use of the connector is very wide, and can be indirectly applied in various industries.2. There are many types of connectors, such as rectangular connectors, TXGA circular connectors, Remo connectors and so on. Terminal block is a kind of connector, generally belonging to the rectangular connector, the use of terminal block is relatively single, generally used in the field of electronics and electrical, for PCB circuit board, printed board and distribution cabinet internal and external connections.3. More and more terminals are used, and more and more types are available. At present, it is widely used in addition to PCB board terminals, hardware terminals, nut terminals, spring terminals, etc. In the power industry, there are special terminal blocks, terminal boxes, which are full of terminal blocks, single-layer, double-layer, current, voltage, and so on.

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